Become a Member!

Want to use new and exciting frequencies, bands and services?
Desire to exercise your emergency communications preparedness?
Are you interested in exploring the world of emergency communications?
Have a desire to volunteer and provide a public service using your radio skills?

LOWBAND              JOIN

Please take a moment to review our opportunities below and use the links above to let us know you are interested.

We have several membership offerings. First is access to our Low Band frequencies and "Aurora" repeater network which is available for a monthly membership fee. We operate UHF GMRS equipment in a multi-state area open to the public, we have licensed a VHF repeater pair in the Public Safety Pool for use by our React Members, for aa monthly fee we have an extensive list of licensed low-band frequencies being built out as low-band repeater system in the same multi-state area, and we are applying for communications restoration frequencies in the HF band for our NCC members. Second, NCC members utilize, engineer, build, maintain and operate our elaborate repeater infrastructure. Third, REACT members have additional requirements that are necessary to support communities, non-government organizations, government and public safety agencies.

Our application process is relatively straightforward. For the lowband membership you fill out a simple online form and pay a fee. For NCC and REACT, you will be asked to fill out a form detailing your contact information, radio communication capabilities you currently have, and how much time you can devote to the organization(s). You can be a member of all three, however you cannot be a REACT member without being a Member of NCC.

Once you are an NCC team member you will be issued a unit number. Additional forms and dues are required for REACT International. However, while awaiting REACT International approval, you are welcome to join NCC for any activities we may be involved in. We encourage participation in routine team operations, but you don't need to attend every function. The benefit of regular participation is that we all become accustomed to working with each other. However, it is most important that our volunteers be available to serve during times of real emergencies and available to maintain our own equipment and the repeaters for our lowband members. In addition to these membership levels, certain NCC and REACT activities may require additional credentialed trainings.

REACT Member benefits include individual and team training, giving back to the community, feeling a sense of accomplishment, gaining real world experience, connecting with like minded people, volunteering on a flexible schedule, liability insurance, logo merchandise, access to REACT International newsletters and more.


We want to thank the community for awesome testimonials!